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You Deserve a Break!

Yes, yes, I know it has been quite a long time since I was last here. Truth is, I was out having fun! I gave myself a break! This May I had the wonderful opportunity to go to Kauai Hawaii with my husband and his amazing family. Here is a picture of all of us! Since these

wonderful people will probably come up in later posts, I might as well introduce you. Going from right to left we have Josh, Me, Dominic, Brittney, Andrea, Charlie, Camile and Austin who is Camile's husband. Everyone is so close in this family and would do anything for one another which is something so rare and I'm very fortunate to be part of it.

Anyway, this was the first time I had taken any time off of work since December so this trip was much needed. I wish I had some horror story about my anxiety to tell here but I really don't which in and of itself is worth reporting. As an introvert I really need time to myself which I knew would most likely not be happening on this trip but it turns out, I didn't even need it! I swear, Kauai is a magical place.

How can you not be happy and relaxed here?! This was my 4th time visiting the island and it still possessed the same feeling that it did each visit before. It possesses a feeling of safety, relaxation, and just pure joy for me. This is my favorite place on this earth and no matter how many times I visit I am still

stunned at its beauty and majesty.

Having not taken a break from anything since December, this trip was exactly what I needed. I was able to take time to evaluate some things in my personal life, as well as recharge my spirit. Upon my return to work and normal life, I felt significantly better. Now, I realize that not everyone can afford to go to Hawaii when they are in need of a break but that's the secret, you don't need to do that! If you follow my personal Instagram at all you will see that I have been reading tons of books lately. Since the beginning of May I have finished 16 books. This is my form of escape, my Hawaii away from Hawaii if you will. I can enter a world that is so far from my own and I am able to collect myself and return to face my normal life. Don't get me wrong, I still need to take time off from work every now and again but being part of these fictional worlds makes the time between breaks much more bearable.

So it is with this that I challenge you to find your own Hawaii away from Hawaii. Whether that is books, music, meditation, cooking, writing, puzzles, find it, because you deserve a break!

Seriously though, how picturesque is this place?!

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